注: 链表有头结点,教科书上的答案会忽略头结点的存在,通过 PrintList ( List L)就能发现这样的算法存在的问题,解决这个问题需要做两点:(1) 创建节点时候,用 MakeEmpty ( List L ) 创建带头结点的链表; (2) 对链表进行操作的时候,从有数据部分进行操作,即 函数调用参数 为 ( List -> Next)。
1. 给定两个已经排序好的链表 P 和 L ,求二者的交集。 ( 注意,二者未必长度相等 )
1 #include2 #include "list.c" 3 4 5 List ListJiaoJi (List P, List L) { 6 if (P == NULL || L == NULL ) 7 Error ("Out of space"); 8 Position Ppos = First (P); 9 Position Lpos = First (L);10 11 List R = MakeEmpty (NULL);12 Position Rpos = Header(R);13 14 while ( Ppos != NULL && Lpos != NULL ) {15 16 if ( Retrieve(Ppos) < Retrieve(Lpos) ) 17 Ppos = Advance (Ppos);18 else19 if ( Retrieve(Ppos) > Retrieve (Lpos)) 20 Lpos = Advance (Lpos);21 else {22 Insert ( Retrieve (Lpos),R,Rpos);23 Lpos = Advance (Lpos);24 Ppos = Advance (Ppos);25 Rpos = Advance (Rpos);26 }27 }28 return R;29 }30 31 int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {32 33 34 List L;35 Position Lpos;36 List P;37 Position Ppos;38 39 int i;40 P = MakeEmpty (NULL);41 L = MakeEmpty( NULL );42 43 Ppos = Header( P );44 Lpos = Header (L);45 46 for( i = 0; i < 10; i++ ) {47 Insert( i, L, Lpos );48 49 Lpos = Advance( Lpos );50 }51 PrintList( L );52 53 Insert (3,P,Ppos);54 Ppos = Advance (Ppos);55 56 Insert (5,P,Ppos);57 58 PrintList (P);59 List R = MakeEmpty(NULL);60 R = ListJiaoJi (P,L);61 PrintList (R);62 63 return 0;64 }
2.给定两个已经排序好的链表 P 和 L, 求两者的并集。 ( 注意,二者长度未必相等 )
1 #include2 #include "list.c" 3 4 5 List ListJiaoJi (List P, List L) { 6 if (P == NULL || L == NULL ) 7 Error ("Out of space"); 8 Position Ppos = First (P); 9 Position Lpos = First (L);10 11 List R = MakeEmpty (NULL);12 Position Rpos = Header(R);13 //PrintList (R);14 15 while ( Ppos != NULL && Lpos != NULL ) {16 17 if ( Retrieve(Ppos) < Retrieve(Lpos) ) {18 Insert(Retrieve(Ppos),R,Rpos);19 Ppos = Advance (Ppos);20 Rpos = Advance (Rpos);21 }22 23 else if ( Retrieve(Ppos) > Retrieve (Lpos)) {24 Insert ( Retrieve (Lpos),R,Rpos);25 Lpos = Advance (Lpos) ;26 Rpos = Advance (Rpos);27 }28 29 else {30 Insert ( Retrieve (Lpos),R,Rpos);31 Lpos = Advance (Lpos);32 Ppos = Advance (Ppos);33 Rpos = Advance (Rpos);34 }35 }36 37 while ( Lpos != NULL) { 38 Insert (Retrieve(Lpos),R,Rpos);39 Lpos = Advance (Lpos);40 Rpos = Advance (Rpos);41 }42 43 while ( Ppos != NULL) { 44 Insert (Retrieve (Ppos),R,Rpos);45 Ppos = Advance (Ppos);46 Rpos = Advance (Rpos);47 }48 49 50 return R;51 }52 53 int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {54 55 56 List L;57 Position Lpos;58 List P;59 Position Ppos;60 61 int i;62 P = MakeEmpty (NULL);63 L = MakeEmpty( NULL );64 65 Ppos = Header( P );66 Lpos = Header (L);67 68 for( i = 0; i < 10; i++ ) {69 Insert( i, L, Lpos );70 71 Lpos = Advance( Lpos );72 }73 PrintList( L );74 75 Insert (3,P,Ppos);76 Ppos = Advance (Ppos);77 78 Insert (5,P,Ppos);79 80 PrintList (P);81 List R = MakeEmpty(NULL);82 R = ListJiaoJi (P,L);83 PrintList (R);84 85 return 0;86 }
1 #include "list.c" 2 3 4 /* 5 6 NOTE: book's answer will just return cur,if do this, the reverselist will not have a head node ,PrintList will not work as hoped.I think it is wrong.It is my method's (as follow) output: 7 1 2 8 2 1 9 1 2 10 */11 List ReverseList (List L) {12 13 Position pre,cur,nex;14 15 pre = NULL;16 cur = L->Next;17 nex = First(L)->Next;18 while (nex != NULL ) {19 cur-> Next = pre;20 pre = cur;21 cur = nex;22 nex = Advance(nex);23 }24 cur->Next = pre; //return cur; 25 nex = MakeEmpty (NULL);26 nex -> Next = cur;27 28 return nex;29 }30 31 32 33 int main() {34 List L = MakeEmpty (NULL);35 Position Pos = Header( L);36 37 Insert (1,L,Pos);38 Pos = Advance (Pos);39 40 Insert (2,L,Pos);41 42 Pos = Advance (Pos);43 44 PrintList(L);45 46 List RL = MakeEmpty(NULL);47 RL = ReverseList (L);48 PrintList (RL);49 50 List RRL = ReverseList(RL);51 52 PrintList (RRL);53 54 return 0;55 }
4. 使用递归实现链表的翻转。
1 #include "list.c" 2 3 List ReverseList (Position P) { 4 5 if ( P->Next == NULL ) { 6 List LR = MakeEmpty (NULL); 7 LR -> Next = P; 8 return LR; 9 }10 11 List RL = MakeEmpty(NULL);12 RL = ReverseList (P->Next);13 P->Next->Next = P;14 P->Next = NULL;15 return RL;16 } 17 18 int main() {19 List L = MakeEmpty (NULL);20 Position Pos = Header( L);21 22 Insert (1,L,Pos);23 Pos = Advance (Pos);24 25 Insert (2,L,Pos);26 27 Pos = Advance (Pos);28 29 PrintList(L);30 31 List RL = MakeEmpty(NULL);32 RL = ReverseList (L->Next);33 PrintList (RL);34 35 36 37 return 0;38 }